By signing up to our Services and affirming that you (the entity agreeing to the terms, “Customer”) agree to our terms of service through the sign-up process, you are entering into a service agreement with the Sinch legal entity set out in the table below, which shall be referred to as “we”, “our”, “us” or “Sinch”. The terms of the service agreement are set out or referred to herein.
The terms of this service agreement govern the Customer’s use of Sinch’s Services when the Customer has signed up to and/or ordered Sinch’s Services through, inc. (hereinafter “SFDC”) and/or when Sinch’s Services is used together with SFDC’s services. However, for the avoidance of doubt, the terms of this service agreement shall apply solely to the Services provided by Sinch under this service agreement and shall not apply and/or govern any services provided by SFDC.
Further, for the avoidance of doubt, the terms of this service agreement shall not apply when the Customer has entered into a separate agreement with Sinch governing Sinch’s provision of services to the Customer, in which case that separate agreement shall govern Sinch’s such provision of services to the Customer.
If you are domiciled in: | You are contracting with: | Notices should be addressed to: | The governing law is: | Dispute resolution: |
The United States of America or Canada | Sinch America, Inc. (a Delaware corporation) | Sinch America Inc., Legal Department, 3500 Lenox Rd NE, Ste. 1875, Atlanta, GA 30326, Georgia, USA | Georgia law | The state and federal courts sitting in Fulton County, Georgia |
Sweden | Sinch Sweden AB | Sinch Sweden AB, Legal Dept. Lindhagensgatan 74, 112 18 Stockholm, Sweden | Swedish law | The civil court in Stockholm, Sweden |
Rest of the World | Sinch UK Ltd. | Sinch UK Ltd., Legal Department, 4th Floor, Cap House, 9-12 Long Lane, Barbican, London, EC1A 9HA, England | English law | The civil court in London, England |
The service agreement consists of this document, the General Terms of Service set out in Exhibit 1 below (along with any Supplementary Terms), the Data Protection Agreement found here, and any Service Order and other document(s) referenced to in this service agreement or referencing this service agreement (together the “Service Agreement”).
By signing up to our Services and entering into this Service Agreement, the Customer also agrees to be subject to the relevant Service Order(s) applicable to its use of our Services, available at the URL(s) set out below (or such other URL as Sinch may provide) as may be updated from time to time: – Service Order for WhatsApp –
As between the Customer and Sinch (together, the “Parties”), in the event of a conflict among any of the components of this Service Agreement, precedence will be given in the following order: (a) Data Protection Agreement, (b) General Terms of Service, (c) Service Order(s), but solely with respect to the Service(s) covered by such Service Order, and (d) any other exhibit to the Service Agreement.
The account creator represents to Sinch that he or she is a duly-authorized representative and signatory of the corporate entity named in the account and that the information provided is complete and accurate. The corporate entity named in the account accepts the General Terms of Service. The Service Agreement shall be effective on the date at which time the account is created and verified.
The Service Agreement contains the legal terms of service that govern Sinch’s provision of Services and the Customer’s use of and access to the Services in connection with the Customer’s purchase or use of services from SFDC. For the avoidance of doubt, this Service Agreement governs the relation between Sinch and the Customer, and nothing in this Service Agreement shall be construed as that SFDC or any of its affiliates is a party to this Service Agreement. The Customer’s use of and access to the Services are subject to additional terms that include without limitation the Supplemental Terms. Supplemental Terms may be made available to the Customer through means determined by Sinch. Sinch and Customer agree that the non-binding date for the start of the Services will be the date on which the account is created and verified, hereinafter referred to as the “Service Start Date”.
(a) License. Unless expressly stated in the Service Agreement, the Customer will have a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable right to (i) use the applicable Services, (ii) integrate the Services in the Customer’s Application in order to access to the Service, if applicable, and (iii) offer and make available to Service Users the Services solely, or, as integrated into the Customer’s Application, all in accordance with the Service Agreement. Such rights shall be immediately revoked without notice upon the earlier of termination of: (i) the Service Agreement; (ii) the applicable Service Order; or (iii) the applicable Service. (b) License Restrictions. The Customer will not (and will not allow Service Users) to: (i) reverse engineer, decompile, copy or disassemble the Services; (ii) market, sell (subject to Section 1(c)), sublicense, rent, lease, or otherwise distribute the Services, in whole or in part; (iii) modify, upgrade, improve, enhance or create derivative works of any portion of the Services for any purpose (including without limitation error correction or any other type of maintenance); (iv) remove, obscure, or alter any identification, proprietary, copyright or other notices in the Services; or (v) for non-civilian purposes. (c) Resale. The Customer may not resell the Services. (d) Numbers and Codes. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that neither the Customer nor any third party shall have any intellectual property rights and/or other proprietary interests in any Numbers and Codes made available to the Customer under the Service Agreement. The Customer will not take any action that would cause the Customer or any third party to acquire any intellectual property rights and/or other proprietary interest in any Numbers and Codes, including but not limited to making any changes to such Numbers and Codes. Sinch may withdraw or suspend such Numbers and Codes at any time to comply with Relevant Laws and/or an order, instruction, or request of a Service Provider, Regulator, court or other competent authority.
The Customer agrees that the Customer will not, and will not encourage or permit any party (including but not limited to Service Users) to, access or use the Services: (a) other than as expressly prescribed by the Service Agreement; (b) in violation of: (i) Compliance Rules or Relevant Laws or (ii) applicable third party licenses; (c) to send spam or unsolicited messages or other communications; (d) in any manner that is infringing, obscene, threatening, libelous, unlawful, or in violation of any third party rights; (e) to breach, interfere or attempt to interfere with any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of any mobile industry association, Regulator or any Service Provider; (f) to facilitate the transmission or use of any: (i) malicious code (including malware, viruses, worms, and Trojan horses); (ii) traps, time bombs, or other code with a latent ability to disable or cripple software or services; or (iii) code that would allow any third party to interfere with or access any Data; (g) to circumvent, disable, violate, or otherwise interfere with the security or integrity of the Services, their operation, any networks or servers used in connection with the Services, or any activity being conducted in or in relation to the same (or attempt at any of the foregoing); (h) to gather, store, upload or otherwise transmit any Data for which the Customer does not have a right to do so; (i) support or carry any emergency calls to any medical rescue, emergency, or law enforcement agency, service or provider of any kind; or (j) to impersonate any person or entity. Additionally, the Customer agrees to promptly comply with all requests for documentation and information Sinch makes relating to the Customer’s use of the Services.
(a) The Customer’s Account. The Customer is solely responsible for the Customer’s Account, all activities conducted in connection with the Customer’s Account, and the accuracy of all information provided by or to the Customer relating thereto, including without limitation, contact, technical, campaign information, the Credentials, and for protecting and safeguarding the foregoing. The Customer will promptly update any Account Information if it changes and notify SFDC and/or Sinch upon becoming aware of any unauthorized use of the Customer’s Account and/or Credentials, and any related security breach. (b) Content and Monitoring. The Customer is solely responsible for all Content, and the storage and transmission of the Content must comply with the Service Agreement. The Customer agrees that Sinch may monitor use of the Services to ensure quality, improve the Services and verify the Customer’s compliance with the terms. (c) Service Users. The Customer shall remain fully liable to Sinch for any use of the Services by Service Users (whose acts and omissions shall be considered to be the Customer’s acts and omissions). Sinch will provide support, when and if provided, only to the Customer and not to Service Users. (d) Records & Consents. The Customer will maintain accurate and complete records of its performance under the Service Agreement during the term and as required by the Compliance Rules, Relevant Laws, Regulator or Service Provider. Upon reasonable written notice, the Customer shall provide copies of any such records to SFDC and/or Sinch. SFDC and/or Sinch or its representatives shall be entitled to disclose any such records (and to carry out audits of the Customer’s premises and systems, upon reasonable written notice) where required by any Service Provider, Regulator or other competent authority. Without limiting the generality of any other provision of the Service Agreement, prior to using the Services to send Content to any third party, the Customer shall obtain verifiable informed consent if required in accordance with Relevant Laws, and shall maintain a record of each such consent. The Customer shall provide a reasonable and readily accessible method for third parties to revoke this consent and, at SFDC’s and/or Sinch’s request, shall provide SFDC and/or Sinch with verifiable evidence to establish informed consent from such third party (to SFDC’s and/or Sinch’s reasonable satisfaction). (e) Connectivity. The Customer is responsible to provide suitable hardware or communications equipment including all necessary infrastructure to ensure the Customer’s access to the Service. The Customer is also responsible, at the Customer’s own expense, for the provision and regular monitoring of telecommunication and access infrastructure between the Customer and the Services. (f) Requests for Information. The Customer will promptly respond to Sinch requests for information which are necessary to provide or modify the Services, and in no event will Customer respond to such inquiries later than thirty (30) days following such request.
(a) Term and Termination. The Service Agreement takes effect as of the earlier of (i) the Customer’s use of any Service, and (ii) the Customer’s electronic acceptance of the Service Agreement, and will continue until terminated in accordance with the terms of the agreement between the Customer and SFDC or as further set out in this Section 4. The Service Agreement may, unless otherwise set out in a Service Order, be terminated by each Party by giving ninety (90) days written notice to SFDC and/or Sinch (if by the Customer) and to SFDC (if by Sinch). Notwithstanding the foregoing, in case there is an agreement between the Customer and SFDC in force, the termination of this Service Agreement between the Customer and Sinch will not take effect until the agreement between the Customer and SFDC has expired or been terminated. (b) Sinch may terminate the Service Agreement (in whole or in part) upon notice to SFDC, should (i) a suspension of the Services under Section 4(c) continue for more than five (5) consecutive days, (ii) the Customer breaches the Service Agreement and fails to cure such breach within five (5) days of the SFDC’s and/or Customer’s receipt of notice of the same, or (iii) on not less than thirty (30) days’ notice where for operational reasons Sinch can no longer make the applicable Service(s) available to the Customer (including but not limited to where the Service has been withdrawn by a Service Provider). (c) Suspension. Sinch may suspend all or any part of the Services (i) if necessary to comply with Relevant Laws and/or an order, instruction, or request of a Service Provider, Regulator, court or other competent authority, or (ii) in connection with any breach of the Service Agreement). In addition to Sinch’s right to terminate or suspend the Services, the Customer acknowledges that Sinch reserves the right to temporarily disable access to the Services (or any portion thereof) for maintenance purposes. (d) Survival. The following provisions will survive the termination of the Service Agreement and the termination or expiration of each Service Order or Service (together with any other provisions of the Service Agreement which expressly or impliedly survive termination): Sections 3(d), 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and15. The termination of the Service Agreement and the termination or expiration of any Service Order or Service shall be without prejudice to Sinch’s accrued rights and the Customer’s accrued liabilities.
The Customer retains all rights and ownership in Data. Sinch does not claim any ownership rights in Data. Except for rights expressly granted herein, no implied licenses are granted by Sinch, and Sinch hereby reserves all rights not so granted. The Customer acknowledges that Sinch retains all sole and exclusive ownership of all right, title and interest in and to the Services and Sinch’s Confidential Information (defined below), including all intellectual property rights thereto, and at no time will the Customer dispute or contest Sinch’s exclusive ownership rights in any of the foregoing. If the Customer provides feedback or suggestions about the Services, then Sinch (and those Sinch allow) may use such information without obligation to the Customer.
(a) Each Party shall comply with applicable the Data Protection Legislation. (b) Whenever Sinch is processing Personal Data on behalf of the Customer (in accordance with Data Protection Legislation), Sinch can be qualified as a Data Processor and the Customer is to be qualified as a Data Controller as is defined within this Service Agreement (and further defined within the Data Protection Agreement applicable on the service, if necessary). (c) The Parties agree that the Data Protection Agreement is applicable on the processing of personal data as described within the Service Agreement. Whenever the Customer is the Data Controller and Sinch is the Data Processor, the Customer has the obligation to inform Sinch, in writing, about the Data Protection Legislation are applicable on the processing of the Personal Data of which the Customer is the Data Controller. (d) The Customer acknowledges that Sinch in certain situations shall act as: i. an independent Data Controller with respect to the processing of Personal Data that is necessary for the operation of the Services, which shall include the processing of any information processed for the purpose of the conveyance of a communication on an electronic communications network, for the billing or administration of the services (as far as permitted by Data Protection Legislation), such as but not limited to Customer contact and contract data. ii. a Joint Data Controller with respect to the processing of Personal Data for the purpose of providing the services. These situations will be identified within the Service Order and other document(s) belonging to a specific service(s). (e) The Customer warrants, represents and undertakes to Sinch that the Customer has and will maintain all necessary rights, licenses and consents to provide Sinch with Data for the purposes described in this section. Sinch may require that Customer provides proof of theses whenever necessary and in accordance with the terms of this Service Agreement, specifically Section 3(d). (f) The Customer acknowledges, permits and accepts that Sinch may retain, store, use and disclose Data solely in order, and to the extent necessary, to provide and improve the Services and to satisfy applicable legal, accounting or regulatory requirements. Sinch will establish processes to ensure compliance with Relevant Laws. (g) The Customer acknowledges, permits and accepts that Sinch may process Customer contact and contract data for the purposes of customer relationship management and development and that this information may be shared with Affiliates that are part of the Sinch Group for the purposes as described.
Except as expressly stated in a Service Order, Sinch reserves the right, in Sinch’s sole discretion and with or without notice from time to time, to modify or update any Services (including but not limited to the features, scope, reach and functionality). Additionally, Sinch may amend the Service Agreement (or any part thereof), and such amendment will take effect on the date Sinch designates (or upon expiration of the minimum period of notice Sinch is required to provide under Relevant Law). Upon the event that there is uncertainty regarding what version of the Service Agreement that applies between the Parties, the version published at at that point in time shall apply. Sinch specifically reserves the right to make changes to such terms of service by publishing a revised version at (or any successor URL Sinch determines) as may be updated by us from time to time. If an amendment to the Service Agreement or Services is to the Customer’s material detriment, the Customer may terminate either: (i) the affected Service Order; or (ii) the affected Service, upon written notice within thirty (30) days following the effectiveness of such amendment (or by the date which the Customer is entitled to terminate under Relevant Law).
The Customer shall (and shall ensure that the Customer’s customers, Affiliates, employees, contractors and agents shall) ensure that all use of the Services and all Data complies with Relevant Laws and the Compliance Rules, including but not limited to export control laws and regulations, economic, trade and financial sanctions laws, regulations, embargoes, restricted state lists or restrictive measures administered. This includes for the Customer to not (and not allow Service Users to) provide or use the Services in or to the Region of Crimea in Ukraine (UA), Cuba (CU), Iran (IR), the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (KP), and Syria (SY), and any other jurisdictions specifically mentioned in a Service Order. The Customer shall provide (and shall ensure that the Customer’s customers, Affiliates, employees, contractors and agents shall provide) all co-operation as is required by Sinch to enable Sinch to comply with requests and investigations by Regulators, law enforcement agencies and Service Providers relating to the Services and Data.
(a) Warranties. Each Party represents and warrants it has the necessary authority to enter into and perform the Service Agreement, and that such performance does not violate or breach any other agreement to which it is a party. Sinch warrants that the Services will be provided with the reasonable degree of skill, care, diligence, prudence and foresight to be expected of a competent provider of the Services. Additionally, the Customer represents and warrants that the Content and the Customer’s use of the Services do not and will not cause any breach of the Service Agreement. (b) Disclaimer. Except as expressly stated in the Service Agreement, Sinch provides the services on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Sinch makes no representations or warranties with respect to the Services and Data, and Sinch does not warrant that the Services will be secure, uninterrupted, timely, or error-free or that Content will be delivered. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Sinch disclaims and the Service Agreement excludes any implied or statutory warranty, including any warranty of title, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Customer acknowledges that there are risks inherent in network connectivity that could result in the loss of the Customer’s privacy, Data, Confidential Information and property. The Customer further acknowledges that Sinch does not control networks of third parties (including without limitation Service Providers and their networks) and Sinch is not responsible for the impact on the Services by the action or inaction of such networks or third parties.
(a) Indemnification by Sinch. Sinch will indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Customer from and against any and all Losses arising out of or relating to any Claim from a third party (other than one of the Customer’s Affiliates) arising from or relating to any proven infringement of the intellectual property rights of such third party by the Customer’s use of the Services in accordance with the Service Agreement. This indemnity is subject to the Customer (i) providing SFDC and/or Sinch with prompt written notice of any Claim; (ii) providing Sinch with sole control and defense of the Claim, including any settlement; (ii) not making any admission of liability or otherwise acting in any manner which prejudices Sinch’s ability to fully defend the Claim; (iii) providing Sinch with any reasonable co-operation Sinch requires. Sinch may (at any time) in Sinch’s sole discretion: (i) modify the Service so that it no longer infringes or misappropriates, (ii) obtain a license for the Customer’s continued use of that Service in accordance with the Service Agreement, or (iii) terminate the Customer’s use of that Service upon written notice to SFDC and/or the Customer. This Section 10(a) shall not apply to the extent the relevant Claim arises as a result of any: (i) Data; (ii) use or exploitation of the Services by the Customer or any Service User in any manner which breaches the Service Agreement; (iii) combination or integration of the Services with anything not provided by Sinch. (b) Indemnification by The Customer. The Customer will indemnify, keep indemnified, hold harmless and defend Sinch from and against any and all Losses arising out of or relating to any and all liabilities, damages, losses, costs, fees (including legal fees), and expenses relating to any allegation or third-party legal proceeding to the extent arising from (a) any Content or Data routed into or used with the Services by the Customer, Service Users or anyone acting on the Customer’s behalf, (b) the Customer’s misuse or Service User’s misuse of the Services, or (c) the Customer’s violation or Service User’s violation of the Service Agreement.
(a) Subject to Section 11(c), neither Party will be liable to the other under (or in connection with) the Service Agreement (whether for breach of contract, negligence, misrepresentation, statutory duty or otherwise) and regardless of the nature of the Claim, for (i) any incidental, indirect, special, punitive or consequential losses of any kind, (ii) loss of profits, data (including but not limited to corruption of data), business opportunities, contracts, revenue, goodwill, anticipated savings, or financial loss of any kind (whether any of the types of loss referred to in this Section 11(a) (ii) are direct, incidental, indirect, special, punitive or consequential losses). (b) Subject to Section 11(c), neither Party will be liable to the other under (or in connection with) the Service Agreement (whether for breach of contract, negligence, misrepresentation, statutory duty or otherwise) and regardless of the nature of the Claim, for any amounts in the aggregate exceeding EUR 10,000. (c) Nothing in the Service Agreement either limits or excludes the liability of either Party in relation to an indemnity given by it under Section 10. Further, the Parties agree that nothing in this Service Agreement is intended to or has the effect of limiting or excluding liability in any way or to an extent that is prohibited by applicable law.
Each Party will, during the Term and thereafter, maintain in confidence the Confidential Information of the other Party and will not use such Confidential Information except as expressly permitted herein. Each Party will use the same degree of care in protecting such Confidential Information as such Party uses to protect its own confidential information from unauthorized use or disclosure, but in no event less than reasonable care. Each Party will use such Confidential Information solely for the purpose of carrying out its respective rights and obligations under the Service Agreement. In addition, each Party: (a) will not reproduce such Confidential Information, in any form, except as required to accomplish its rights and obligations under the Service Agreement; and (b) will only disclose such Confidential Information to its Affiliates, employees and consultants who have a need to know such Confidential Information in order to perform their rights and obligations relating to the Service Agreement and have been informed of the obligation to preserve the confidentiality of such information prior to receiving such information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information will not include information that: (a) is in or enters the public domain without breach of the Service Agreement through no fault of the receiving Party; (b) the receiving Party can reasonably demonstrate was in its possession prior to first receiving it from the disclosing Party; (c) the receiving Party can demonstrate was developed by the receiving Party independently and without use of or reference to the Confidential Information; or (d) the receiving Party receives from a third Party without restriction on disclosure and without breach of a nondisclosure obligation. Either Party may disclose Confidential Information of the other Party (and Sinch may disclose any Data) to the extent required by law, Regulators or Service Provider request.
This Service Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the applicable law set out in the Introduction section of the Service Agreement. The Parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the applicable court set out in the Introduction section of the Service Agreement. Sinch may however bring enforcement proceedings and enforce payment obligations against the Customer in any jurisdiction.
Sinch may provide all written notices to the Customer hereunder to SFDC and/or any email address indicated in the Account, effective upon transmission. If the Customer’s email address under its Account is not valid, or if Sinch for any reason is not capable of delivering to the Customer any notices required/permitted by the Service Agreement, Sinch’s dispatch of the email containing such notice will constitute effective notice. Sinch may also give notice to Customer by the postal address listed in the Account, or as otherwise instructed by Customer, which shall be deemed effective (i) one business day after delivery to a reputable international courier service, if delivered by courier service or (ii) two business days after delivery to the post office. Customer’s written notice to Sinch shall be deemed to have been given (i) on the day of dispatch thereof, if sent by e-mail to (provided that the transmission is confirmed in e-mail), (ii) one business day after delivery to a reputable international courier service, if delivered by courier service or (iii) two business days after delivery to the post office, if sent by recommended mail, addressed to the applicable address set out in the Introduction section of the Service Agreement.
Neither Party will be liable for failures or delays in the performance of its obligations hereunder due to causes beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, in respect of the provision of the Services, failures or delays caused by Service Providers, epidemic or pandemic, any act of God, terrorist attacks, inclement weather, accidental damage, vandalism, failure or shortage or power supplies, flood, drought, lightning or fire, strike, lock-out, trade dispute or labor disturbance, compliance with Relevant Laws, any act or omission of Government or other competent authorities. Nothing in the Service Agreement will limit either Party’s ability to seek injunctive relief. The Parties are independent contractors, and there is no partnership, joint venture, employment, franchise or agency relationship created by the Service Agreement. Neither Party will have the power to bind the other or incur obligations on the other Party’s behalf without the other Party’s prior written consent. The Customer shall not, without Sinch’s prior written consent, assign, transfer, charge, sub-contract or deal in any other manner with all or any of the Customer’s rights or obligations under the Service Agreement. Sinch may at any time assign, transfer, charge, sub-contract or deal in any other manner with all or any of its rights or obligations under the Service Agreement without the Customer’s consent however, the Customer shall, if Sinch requires, execute such deeds and/or documents as may be necessary or required by Sinch to give effect to any such dealing in such rights and/or obligations. If the Customer does not comply with the Service Agreement, and Sinch does not take action right away, this does not mean that Sinch is giving up any rights that it may have (such as taking action in the future). If it turns out that a particular term of this Service Agreement is not enforceable, this will not affect any other terms. Any Sinch Affiliate is entitled to enforce any provision of this Service Agreement which confers a benefit on it (however the consent of such Sinch Affiliate shall not be required to amend or terminate the Service Agreement in accordance with its term). There are no other third-party beneficiaries to the Service Agreement and any Relevant Law, which may grant third party rights, is expressly excluded. The Service Agreement is the Parties’ entire agreement relating to its subject. Neither Party has entered into the Service Agreement (or any part thereof) in reliance upon and nor shall they have any remedy in respect of, any representation or statement (whether made by the other Party or any other person) which is not expressly set out in the Service Agreement. The only remedies available for breach of any representation or statement which was made prior to entry into the Service Agreement (or any part thereof) and which is expressly set out in the Service Agreement shall be for breach of contract (although nothing in this Section shall be interpreted or construed as limiting or excluding the liability of either Party for any type of fraud).
In the Service Agreement, capitalized terms shall have the meanings set out below or if not defined herein, the meanings set forth elsewhere in the Service Agreement: