Next Generation 911

Innovative NG911 services — for today and tomorrow

Let us help you advance the speedy deployment of industry-leading NG911 technology to promote accurate emergency responses and improve public safety in your community.

Image for Innovative NG911 services — for today and tomorrow

Committed to public safety

It’s about public safety — and compliance


Endpoints supported with our 911 services.


911 calls processed on our network each month.


Share of U.S. population awarded to Sinch Voice for NG911 ESInet call aggregation service.


Public safety answering points (PSAP) you need to reach in the U.S., Canada, PR, and USVI.
Image for Super-charge your next generation 911 adoption

Super-charge your next generation 911 adoption

Public safety can’t wait. Don’t let out-of-date technology prevent first responders from addressing emergency situations in your community! Sinch has the agility, expertise, and nationwide network capacity you need to accelerate the delivery of your next-generation 911 implementation.

Our facility-based tier 1 network spans the whole United States and has multiple layers of geo-redundancy to ensure public safety grade availability and scalability.

Turn-up and scale a cost-effective emergency service solution in no time without sacrificing quality for your state, county, or organization.

As Public Safety adopts video, data, real-time text, and IoT feeds, our NG911-ready network allows you to deliver and interwork NG911 sessions with various Next-Generation Core Services (NGCS) provider platforms.

From information security processes, to systems, portals, APIs, and call detail records, we’re always compliant with industry standard quality management practices — we’re certified for ISO 9001:2015, TL 9000, and ISO 27001!

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Government Solutions

Work with 911 call aggregation experts

Municipalities, counties, and state governments face unique public safety needs, and we get it. We’re leading the implementation of next-generation (NG911) call aggregation from coast-to-coast and have worked closely with many originating service providers (OSPs), NGCS providers, and government entities on large deployments.

With years of experience as a service provider for many OSPs, our expert team makes onboarding and migration to our call aggregation architecture a breeze and helps you get ready for the future of E911 — with a comprehensive solution!

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Service Provider Solutions

Simplify your migration to NG911

States and counties are adopting different interfaces and technologies at different times. We take the headache out of the equation with a future-proof, single interface into the 911 system — and of course, we also manage the complexities of the transition to NG911 for you!

So what are you waiting for? Save time and resources with an industry-leading turn-key solution and meet ever-changing NG911 interconnectivity, location delivery, and NENA i3 requirements effortlessly!

Get started with the best IP-based NG911 solution out there!

SIP and TDM flexibility

We aggregate calls from OSPs using SIP points of interconnection (POIs) and in-LATA TDM POIs for local interconnection.

OSP management

Let us take care of initial migration and ongoing management, from proactive network grooming to TDM-to-SIP conversions, and more.

Universal support

We’re always in line with industry standards, which means our services are compatible with all NGCS providers.

Maximum flexibility

Our network is carrier-diverse and geographically redundant with flexible APIs and a self-service portal for reporting.

SIP conversion

Our service provides protocol conversion to SIP and delivers calls to the NGCS platform.

Selective router connectivity

Our platform supports migrations and ongoing call transfers to legacy public safety answering points (PSAPs).

What are you waiting for?

Let’s help you get started!