Awards, Operators

Symsoft gets gold again!

Image for Symsoft gets gold again!
September 12, 2017

We are proud to announce that we have received a Gold rating from renowned Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) agency, EcoVadis. Gold is the highest rating that can be achieved, so we are honoured that EcoVadis has presented us with this rating for the third consecutive year!

EcoVadis audit 21 key criteria across 4 core themes, to determine if a company meets the levels of sustainability required to be given an award for CSR. Environment, fair labour practices, ethics, fair business practices and supply chain are all taken into account – all of which are essential in running a socially responsible and effective business in the 21st Century. This award is a significant validation of the hard work that goes into ensuring Symsoft runs a responsible business, and provides a safe working environment for staff.

“We take our CSR accreditation very seriously. It stands as a powerful statement for what we believe in as a company, it’s a key component which is integral to our everyday business. It’s marvellous that the continuous work we do in this area is for the third time acknowledged with the highest appraisal,” says Johan Rosendahl, Managing Director at Symsoft.

Along with efforts internally at Symsoft to ensure we maintain a positive impact on society, we also reach out to important causes that make a difference worldwide. Since 2013 we have, along with our parent company CLX Communications, supported Swedish charity Hand-In-Hand. Hand-In-Hand support the creation and development of small businesses in developing countries, helping poor uneducated women to start their own businesses through education and micro-loans. By supporting Hand-In-Hand, we help to lift entire families out of poverty, enabling children who would otherwise not have the opportunity to get an education to learn, rather than work to support their family.

Originally posted on, find out more about Symsoft’s rebrand to Sinch in the press release here.

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