Insights, Operators

PCC in action – how PCC controls roll over data

Image for PCC in action – how PCC controls roll over data
March 22, 2018

Following the release of our latest white paper – How PCC Can Provide A Competitive Edge, in this blog post we look at how PCC works in real life cases, specifically for this post we focus on how PCC controls roll over data.

Scenario: Operator offers a ‘bucket’ of 50Gb for new customers

  1. The 50Gb bucket has no validity period – if unused, it will remain available for the lifespan of the subscription
  2. The subscription with the 50Gb data bucket also comes with a monthly bucket of 3Gb
  3. PCC is configured to allocate the 3Gb bucket at full speed, when this bucket is exhausted, the 50Gb bucket comes into play, but at a lower speed
  4. At the end of the month, the 3Gb bucket is reset and available for the next month

The advantage of PCC in this case is twofold:

  1. It enables every byte of data in the subscription to be counted and apportioned accurately. The network is configured to automatically reduce the quality of service when the 3Gb data has been exhausted and switch to the appropriate quality for the 50Gb bucket
  2. The ability to offer a 50Gb data bucket without the risk of overloading the network is very commercially attractive

For use cases on how PCC controls roll over data and quality of service, or to find out how PCC can help with digital transformation, download your free copy of our white paper today.

Originally posted on, find out more about Symsoft’s rebrand to Sinch in the press release here.

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