Products, Solutions

How to drive 38x more conversions with WhatsApp marketing campaigns

Image for How to drive 38x more conversions with WhatsApp marketing campaigns
June 15, 2021

Did you know WhatsApp is the most-used mobile messaging app in the world? Users across the globe use WhatsApp to send over 100 billion messages each day.

Just take a look at the stats: India alone has more than 390 million WhatsApp users. The app is installed on 99% of all the smartphones in Brazil. About 50% of American users use the app on a daily basis.

There’s only one conclusion to make: no matter where your customers are, WhatsApp is the perfect channel to start building closer relationships with them.

What’s that, you say? You’re already using WhatsApp to have conversations with customers? Great! Because now, it’s also even easier to turn those conversations into conversions.

WhatsApp recently announced that it has added support for more types of business-to-customer messages. Great news, right? But we’ve got even better news. Developing and orchestrating a bunch of conversational interactions can be messy and challenging for businesses – but it doesn’t have to be. In partnership with WhatsApp, we’ve added extra functionality to the Sinch Conversation API – to keep things smooth on your end!

Now you can easily share additional information with opted-in WhatsApp users in certain regions – everything from back-in-stock updates to product recommendations and more! (You can read the official announcement here.)

It’s the perfect setup (if we dare say so ourselves): using the Sinch platform and integrated AI, brands can capture WhatsApp user intent during the buyer journey while managing large volumes of messages sent, keeping the customer informed and updated. This means you can act quickly, adapting communication based on user feedback to make every WhatsApp interaction count.

And they definitely do count! Surveys from Accenture show that 83% of WhatsApp customers already use the channel for making purchases, at least at some point in their shopping journey. Engaging those users with tailored ads will streamline the journey for them and for you!

Take iFood, for example. The Brazilian food delivery company started using Sinch’s WhatsApp solution to boost restaurant sign-ups, get more staffers onboard, and improve sales and customer service. And it worked! The WhatsApp campaign delivered 38x better conversions than the same campaign on other channels. Those are numbers that speak for themselves!

How to build a successful WhatsApp campaign with Sinch

So how do you get started? The easiest way is of course to get some help! Partner with an expert. Someone who has the know-how and experience to make your campaigns fly. Like Sinch.

Yeah, we’re tooting our own horn. But for good reason – hear us out! Sinch is an official WhatsApp solutions partner, and has been for years. We know how to build top-notch campaigns and strategies perfectly suited for the channel. We’ve got a robust technology infrastructure to support channel performance. And we’re ISO 27001 certified, so you can rest assured our internal data security is secure all channel flows are encrypted. In short, you’re in strong, safe, capable hands!

Need more reasons to partner with Sinch on WhatsApp?

  • We’ve got automatic onboarding features that will help you learn and follow best practices
  • Our high-volume platform ensures that your message arrives in a flash – every time
  • We can help with strategy and AI solutions, to streamline the entire customer journey

Want to be one of the first companies using in-channel ads on WhatsApp? Talk to our experts.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

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