Get access to a complete range of carefully-tested phone numbers, to use with all your communication services from Sinch.
Join over 150,000 businesses, including 8 of the 10 largest tech companies in the world
Send and receive text messages globally through a single connection, for timely and cost-efficient communications.
The Conversation API helps your business improve communications, reduce churn, and expand globally. It’s customizable, scalable, and reliable!
You’ll mainly want to use a virtual long number or short code if you wish to have a two-way conversation with your customers – your client needs a number for replies. If the SenderID is an alphanumeric there is no number to route to and thus a reply cannot be delivered.
A virtual long number is great for local messaging – having a number to reply to that’s familiar to your audience will help gain a high response rate. The benefit of a short code is that the number is short – 4-6 digits. This can make it more memorable (and marketable) to your audience.
Once you have a Sinch SMS Account set up, you can request a number activation in the customer portal. You’ll find all the available destinations and prices there, simply request and we’ll get it set up for you.
Talk to our experts to learn what number is best for your business!