A picture tells a thousand words. A video tells a million. Our MMS API helps companies speak a million words in a single message!
Join over 150,000 businesses, including 8 of the 10 largest tech companies in the world
Add images, videos, animations, audio, and more to create memorable experiences. Work with our best-in-class managed services team for other media formats.
Ready? Put our MMS API to work and create eye-catching coupons, promotions, and invites that just can’t be ignored!
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
var httpClient = HttpClient.newBuilder().build();
var payload = String.join("\n"
, "{"
, " \"action\": \"sendMMS\","
, " \"service-id\": \"12345mms\","
, " \"to\": \"12345678901\","
, " \"from\": \"12345\","
, " \"message-subject\": \"Order Status Updated\","
var host = "";}
var pathname = "/ep/v2/";
Boost your business with just a few lines of code:
MMS stands for Multimedia Messaging Service, a richer form of SMS which allows you to communicate with customers using not only text but also video, audio, and images for a more integrated approach to campaigns.
Appointment reminders, delivery notifications, personal invites, customer support – MMS can do it all while delivering a unique customer experience. Use videos, images, and audio to showcase your brand through a medium that’s always close at hand – the always-on mobile phone – and enjoy instant customer attention and unbeatable engagement.
Choose MMS messaging over standard SMS whenever you want to showcase your brand and stand out with powerful content. Use personalized images, audio, or short videos to elevate your brand message, increase awareness and recognition, and enjoy unmatched engagement and ROI.
MMS is an extension to the more commonly used text message or Short Message Service (SMS). With MMS you can send up to 40 seconds of video, one image, audio files or multiple images in slideshows. MMS gives you better opportunities to showcase their brand and create integrated marketing campaigns that drive awareness and engagement.
Enrich your business – get started with MMS!