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Integration Excellence: Seamlessly Connecting CRM with Leading Email Platforms

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Ask a Gen Z if they could imagine a world where the concept of emails is non-existent. Email marketing is a primary communication channel for all business organizations today. The promotional emails that we receive in our inboxes every day are a part of email marketing campaigns run by different businesses. This is how businesses establish strong relationships with their existing and potential customers, thereby generating leads.

As a customer, wouldn’t you be inclined towards those businesses who try incessantly to keep their customers engaged? This is where Customer Relationship Management (CRM) comes into the picture.

As the name suggests, the CRM software allows businesses to manage their relationships with their customers and prospects, by collecting customer data, sending automated personalized emails, and optimizing sales performances.

According to studies, about 80% of consumers prefer receiving emails from sales representatives who are looking for ways to connect. As a result, sales representatives spend an average of 13 hours a week on email activities. However, managing all email processes can be time-consuming and tedious.

To streamline these processes, tech experts have come up with the concept of integration of email marketing with CRM systems. This CRM email integration can automate all or most of the email activities and build strong customer relationships.

Let us now discuss how businesses can benefit from the seamless connection of CRM with leading email platforms.

Benefits Of Integration of CRM Systems with Emails

  • Personalized Interactions with Customers:

According to a study by Experian, the open rate for personalized emails is 29%, whereas the open rate for non-personalized emails is only 18%. CRM software can help businesses collect customer data and insights, such as customer preferences, customer names, behaviors, patterns, and purchase history.

Based on the collected data, businesses can send targeted personalized emails to different customers. As a result, CRM email integration can help businesses improve customer engagement through personalized interactions.

  • Automated Emails:

According to a study by Epsilon, the average open rate of automated emails is 45.7%, as compared to non-automated emails which have an average open rate of 18.8%. Also, automated emails generate much more revenue as compared to non-automated emails.

Be it a welcome email, a thank you email or a follow-up email, CRM email integration can help businesses send automated emails to their existing and potential customers, thereby establishing strong customer relationships.

If you are a business owner, then you are probably aware of the importance of sending the right notifications at the right time to the right customers. With the help of CRM email integration, you can send automated emails carrying notifications to specific customers, based on the collected data.

  • Fast Response to Customer Queries:

According to a survey involving 3,200 consumers, approximately 46% of the consumers expect businesses to respond faster than 4 hours and 12% expect a faster response within 15 minutes or less. CRM email integration can help businesses respond to customer queries quickly and more effectively.

By integrating emails with CRM systems, businesses do not need to access their customer details from another software. All the details of their customers are collected and stored in a centralized system, that is, the CRM system. Based on these collected details, businesses can quickly respond to the queries of their customers. This, in turn, enhances the overall customer experience.

  • Transparent Communication at Workplace:

According to a study conducted by Oracle, 72% of project managers believed that transparent communication is necessary for project success. CRM email integration allows every team member of a company to have access to relevant customer information collected from email conversations. These email conversations are gathered by the CRM system.

For instance, if you are in the sales team of your company, then you can collect the information of any target customer stored in the CRM database and understand the relationship of your company with the target customer. This way, based on the email conversations, you can plan your sales strategy to convert a prospect into a loyal customer.

  • Customer Segmentation:

According to a study, businesses that send tailored emails to different segments of customers generate average revenue that is 10 to 15 percent higher than that of businesses that fail to segment their customers.

By collecting customer data from the CRM system, businesses can segment their customers into different groups, based on their preferences, purchase history, and demographics. This way, these businesses can send personalized emails to different customer segments, thereby leading to higher conversion rates.

Flawless Connection

The seamless connection of CRM with leading email platforms can help business organizations retain their old customers as well as convert their prospects into loyal customers. As a result, businesses that integrate their CRM systems with email platforms have a higher chance of establishing lasting relationships with their customers through personalized interactions.